Our privacy policy explains how we handle your personal data and protect your data when you use the service. We comply with the ICN order data processing conditions when processing the audio or audiovisual content uploaded by you. An exception is content that you have uploaded for personal or family purposes. Further information.
Subject to this agreement and applicable laws, you may access and use the Service in the form provided to you. You can view or listen to content for your personal, non-commercial use. You can also show ICN videos via the integrated ICN player or App.
However, the use of the service is subject to certain restrictions. The following is not permitted:
1. Access, reproduce, download, distribute, transmit, transmit, display, sell, license, modify, adapt or otherwise use any part of the Service or Content, except (a) as authorized in the Service; or (b) with prior permission by ICN in text form and, where relevant, by the respective rights holders or (c) to the extent permitted by applicable law.2. To circumvent, disable, fraudulently use or otherwise interfere with the service or the security-related functions of the service (this also applies to attempts to do so). It is also not permitted to circumvent, disable, fraudulently use or otherwise impair other functions of the service (this also applies to attempts to do so) that (a) prevent or restrict the copying or other use of the content or (b) restrict the use of the service or content.
3. With automated procedures (e.g. B. robots, botnets or scrapers) to access the Service, except (a) via public search engines according to ICN's Robots.txt file, (b) with prior permission by ICN in text form or (c) to the extent permitted by applicable law.
4. To collect or use information that could identify a person (e.g. B. the collection of usernames or faces), if this person does not allow this or does so in accordance with the above 3. section is permitted.
5. To use the service to distribute unsolicited advertising or commercial content or other unwanted or unreasonable harassment (spam).
6. To cause or encourage incorrect measurements of actual user interactions with the service. This includes, for example, paying people or creating other incentives to increase the views, "I like" ratings or "I don't like" ratings of a video, to increase the number of subscribers to a channel or otherwise manipulate metrics.
7. To abuse the reporting, complaint, dispute or opposition procedure, for example by unfounded, willful or frivolous information.
8. To conduct competitions within the framework of or using the Service that do not comply with ICN's competition guidelines.
9. Use the Service to view or listen to content outside of private, non-commercial use (for example, a public screening of videos or streaming music).
10. Use the Service to (a) sell advertising or sponsorship placed in, around or around the Service or its content, unless it complies with the guidelines on advertising on ICN (for example, product placements that comply with the guidelines); or (b) sell advertising or sponsorship on any page of a website or application that contains content solely from the Service or whose content derived from the Service is the primary basis for such sales (for example, selling ads on a website where ICN videos are the only content with added value).